Read our full 2020/2021 Quality Account here.

1.1 Statement on Quality from the Chief Executive and the Chair.

Our Quality Account for 20/21 has unfortunately been delayed. The COVID 19 pandemic has continued to escalate and create unprecedented challenges for all health care providers and that includes our Hospice and all the services provided. It seems very fitting therefore, that we introduce this account with heartfelt thanks to all our colleagues, staff, volunteers and Trustees. Every day, they demonstrate their ongoing courage, dedication and determination to be there for all who need care, help and support.

We are proud that throughout the challenges, we were able keep our Inpatient unit (IPU) open to maximum capacity, increasing at times our outreach hospice support and finding innovative ways to support patients and their loved ones throughout periods of lockdown. We also helped our community and acute health care colleagues to deal with increased pressures. A few examples include helping, where possible, to admit on the same day of a community referral, appropriately helping to prevent A/E attendance or hospital admission and then supporting a swift and safe discharge to home or to our IPU from hospital. We make every effort to be part of the wider health care system, working alongside our GP, community, third sector and acute hospital colleagues.

This year has strengthened our collaborative working with both our 3rd sector partners through H4All, Hillingdon NHS and local authority providers through Hillingdon Health and Care Partners. As we are embedded in the system, we played our part in the response to the pandemic. Additionally, we are involved in some elements of preparing for the restructuring of the NHS, planning at both borough and North West London levels.

Despite all the pressures of the pandemic, we believe the content of this quality account demonstrates our commitment to provide the highest standard of care and service delivery. We endeavour to have systems in place, so that if we fall below high standards we swiftly learn, address issues, and ensure changes are implemented and maintained. The report also demonstrates our endeavours to embed our evolving quality governance systems and processes; we are pleased to highlight just a few examples below, with all examples detailed throughout this report. We have;

  • Recruited a new trustee with clinical and quality governance experience;
  • Begun to effectively embed a new electronic incident reporting system across the organisation, resulting in a very positive increase in reporting and subsequent learning;
  • Participated and responded to Hospice UK‘s national quality outcome benchmarking process;
  • Used virtual reality to help patients, especially during pandemic restrictions, to ‘travel and escape’ for a while. Some heart-warming patient feedback and video clips can be accessed on our website.

Whilst many of the objectives we set for 20/21 have been achieved, COVID19 restrictions prevented the development of our new wellbeing service from being fully implemented. Some services have continued virtually, however there is more to be realised and we look forward to sharing our progress next year. We hope like everyone, that we find light and recovery from the pandemic in 21/22.

1.2 Assurance of Accuracy

This Quality Account for Harlington Hospice is a balanced account of our performance during 2020-21. The information included is accurate and reliable.

Steve Curry, Chief Executive

Carol Coventry, Chair of the Board of Trustees