Charitable Objectives

The purpose of the charity is to promote the relief of sickness and suffering for people suffering from any chronic or terminal illness. The trustees describe below how they propose to enable Harlington Hospice to continue to fulfil its legal purposes.

Our Vision

Harlington Hospice is committed to providing the best holistic care and support possible for people living with life-limiting illness and for their families. Everyone is treated as an individual and each person helped to live with their illness in a positive way. Patients, carers and their families are supported at home for as long as possible, where that is their choice.

Our Mission

  • People with life-limiting illness in the London Borough of Hillingdon will have support which enables them to stay as independent as possible in their final months;
  • People at the end-of-life will have high quality care which supports their choice to die at home if that is their wish;
  • Support will be available to carers and family members of those with life-limiting and life-threatening illness, extending into the bereavement period.